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[Bug-sweater] boob tube

From: Tobias Callahan
Subject: [Bug-sweater] boob tube
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:53:59 +0200

As they entered the house, Alastair found himself beside hishost and well behind the others.
He knows times andseasons bettern Parson and near as well as Almighty God. But let me tell you, sir, you have arrived in a curst inconvenienthour. Once that was an altarwhere the Romans sacrificed to fierce gods and pretty goddesses.
You will notbe advised by me but will go your own proud road. I have a liking for you, and would fain serve you. The thought flashed over his mind that here was onewho might further the cause he served. Was heperhaps, thought Alastair, cognisant of the strange mixture attable, and not disapproving? It was that lament which in all thecountry from Mull to Moidart is the begetter of long thoughts.
The servility had gone from the mans voice, and in its place wereinsolence and greed.
The moonless nightwas black about him, and it had fallen silent except for thesputter of logs.
Theysigh and gloom and write doleful letters in prose. Here we are so sageand dutiful and civically minded. But the fiddler dispelled theatmosphere of awe, for he pulled out a pipe and filled and lit it. He knows times andseasons bettern Parson and near as well as Almighty God. To Alastair, absorbed in his errand, the scene was purelyphantasmal.
From a leathern case he took asilver-mounted bottle, and poured a draught into a horn cup.
If you can make shift with poorfare there be supper and lodging waiting for you. Hewould sigh now and then, and pass a thin hand over his forehead. You have nothing to fearamong the moor-men of the Seven Towns. Youvalue life, but you will surrender it joyfully for a whimsy ofhonour.
Suddenly it was hushed,for the thin high note of a violin cleft the air like an arrow.
Suddenly he halted, for he heard the sound of speech. There wasa mesmerism in those eyes which postponed sleep, and drove Alastairto speak. Great God, man, have you no cause or leader to fight for? The rich man of old turned away sorrowful fromChrist because he had great possessions! He cotched Zerry and was a-basting him when this gentleman rides up.
To seek het water beneath cauld ice,surely it is a great follie.

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