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[Bug-tar] TARing xf the same archive twice will fail if there are read-o

From: Federico Demi
Subject: [Bug-tar] TARing xf the same archive twice will fail if there are read-only files
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 11:36:41 +0200

Hi folks,

is this a bug or a feature? (AFAIK unix tar behaves in a different way)


1\ I typed this:
        c:\tmp> tar -xf  mprjsrc.tar
    and everything was fine: a subtree with all my sources
    was created.

2\ I typed again this (without removing the extracted files):
        c:\tmp> tar -xf  mprjsrc.tar
    and ended up with a series of error msgs like this one:
    "tar: src.unix/osdep1.c: Could not create file: Permission denied"

3\ Extra info
3.1\ the tar file was created on a unix box
3.2\ all the files are read-only

Is there a way to force overwrite the target files?
Federico Demi
Via Malagoli, 12 -- 56124 Pisa, Italy
Phone: +39 050 31331
Fax: +39 050 3133232
Mobile: +39 348 8960 563

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