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Re: [Bug-tar] Major Bug with tar and incremental backup using the -l an

From: Terry Barnaby
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] Major Bug with tar and incremental backup using the -l and --listed-incremental flags
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 11:00:56 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040803

Hi Joerg,

Oh, it seems to make sense to me. My reason for backing up this was was:

1. I have a server with multiple partitions all mounted on the root partition.
2. The system will have additional mounts of /proc /sys /proc/bus/usb etc
        as well as some "mount -o loop d f" mounts.
3. All file systems are mounted on an empty directory.

So to, simply, backup the entire system onto one tape (or compressed file)
        I have used "--one-file-system" to mean don't go down any other file
        systems than the ones listed.

So "tar -c -l -f /dev/st0 --listed-incremental=stamp / /usr /dist /src /home"
would backup the "/ /usr /dist /src /home" file systems but not any others
mounted on the system. The stamp file would be empty for a full backup
and would be used for later incremental backups.

Note that using the same tar command without the "--listed-incremental=stamp"
works fine ....

Is there a better way of doing this backup with tar ?


Joerg Schilling wrote:
Terry Barnaby <address@hidden> wrote:


There has been a major bug (at least to me :) ) in tar since version 1.13.7
and it is still there in 1.14.90.

I normally perform full backups with a command similar to:

tar -c -l -f /dev/st0 --listed-incremental=stamp / /usr /dist /src /home

Doing it this way makes no sense with any bckup system.

While star in theory could be enhanced to be able to later find the bounds between the different filesystems (it currently definitlely does not), GNU tar
does not archive enough information to be able to do so.

The result is a mixture of all 5 filesystems on extraction. It may be that
the last extract (/home) will remove files from the previous filesystems if deletion on extraction is properly implemented.


Dr Terry Barnaby                     BEAM Ltd
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