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[Bug-tar] Untar on big archive fails

From: Rolf Leggewie
Subject: [Bug-tar] Untar on big archive fails
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 17:07:14 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)


I made a backup of one of my partitions. The data was well over ten Gigabytes. The backup was made from Knoppix 3.7 to a fat32 partition which necessitated splitting of the tar file. The command I used was 'tar -cv /mnt/hdc1/|split -b 722222222 - /mnt/hdd1/bigboy.tar.' which resulted in 20 split files (summing up to 12GB). Now I apparently cannot get tar to restore all files from the archive.

Both 'cat bigboy.tar.a? > bigboy.tar;tar -xf bigboy.tar' and 'cat bigboy.tar.a?|tar -x' only restore about eight of the 12 GB. There are at least three directories not being restored. 'cat bigboy.tar.a?|tar -t|wc -l' tells me that there are 7883 files in the archive. But 'tar -tf bigboy.tar|wc -l' only has 7540 files. My suspicion is that the remaining 343 files might make up the missing 4 GB. I compiled the newest version of tar from December 21st to extract the files but that did not help. I do not remember ever seeing an error message either while tarring or untarring.

Please cc me on responses, I am not a member of the list.

Best regards


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