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[Bug-tar] --no-recursion and --listed-incremental

From: Miek Gieben
Subject: [Bug-tar] --no-recursion and --listed-incremental
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:37:50 +0100
User-agent: Vim/Mutt/Linux


I'm using tar in my backup program hdup. Until recently tar did
most of the backup work, but I wanted more control so now hdup
is able to create a filelist by using regular expressions.

Currently I use the following: A filelist is created (there are
no directories in this list) and this list is then given to tar
for backing up. The reason I can not include the directories is
that tar will backup that entire dir even though I may wish to 
only include a single file from that dir.

So this kinda works, but leaves me with a backup without any
directory information (important for permissions, etc. during
a restore).

Then I thought I might make use the --no-recursion option which
disallows tar to descend in subdirs - which would be perfect for
hdup. However using --listed-incremental and --no-recursion
together just dump the entire directory in the backup (if that
directory is listed in the filelist).

So... I don't really now if this is a bug or a feature request :-)
but what I need is something whereby I can specify the directory in
the filelist, without tar backing up the entire dir, but just the
directory information itself. And it should still work with

Thanks for any help,

  - Miek

http://www.miek.nl                   http://www.nlnetlabs.nl

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