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[Bug-tar] Re: 1.16.1 build hangs in configure

From: Jeff Blaine
Subject: [Bug-tar] Re: 1.16.1 build hangs in configure
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 18:01:15 -0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

So does 1.16.0

And 1.15.91...

Here's a strace of the looping conftest binary:

jblaine:hebron> strace -p 11234
Process 11234 attached - interrupt to quit
chdir("..")                             = 0
rmdir("confdir3")                       = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty)
chdir("..")                             = 0
rmdir("confdir3")                       = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty)
chdir("..")                             = 0
rmdir("confdir3")                       = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty)
chdir("..")                             = 0
rmdir("confdir3")                       = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty)
chdir("..")                             = 0
rmdir("confdir3")                       = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty)

Jeff Blaine wrote:
Red Hat Linux v3
GCC 3.2.3 (as provided with above)

checking whether getcwd handles long file names properly...

Sits there forever.

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