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[Bug-tar] RFC: quiet-option for tar-1.19

From: Harald Koenig
Subject: [Bug-tar] RFC: quiet-option for tar-1.19
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 15:21:44 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17 (2007-11-01)

Hello *,

this is not (really) a bug report but a RFC for a new feature/option 
which I'm already using for years (based on request of some colleagues).

this quiet-option might be usefull for other tar users too, so here is my patch 

rationale for the patch:  using "tar --compare" gives very verbose output 
if owner/group/permissions have changed (e.g. when extracting a source tar file
from the net and later I'd like to check which source files I have 
this makes it somewhat hard not to miss the "important" output lines (e.g. 
size/md5 changed).

the patch adds a new option "-Q" or "--quiet" which gives adds two "quiet 
(giving 3 verbosity level alltogether: "normal default", "reasonable quiet"
and "completely quiet" (more or less a > /dev/null) when specified twice).

over the time, I only use the first quiet level, the additional "-QQ" feature
seems to be more or less academic to me today;-)  

my typical usage is

      tar zdQf tool-sources.tar.gz 

which shows "exactly" the relevant changes/filenames to me...

any comments or takers?


Harald Koenig
"I hope to die                                      ___       _____
before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.",           0--,|    /OOOOOOO\
Donald E. Knuth, 02-Oct-2001 in Tuebingen.        <_/  /  /OOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                    \  \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                      \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|//
Harald Koenig                                          \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
science+computing ag                                    //  /     \\  \
address@hidden                            ^^^^^       ^^^^^
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Attachment: tar-1.19-quiet.patch
Description: Text document

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