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[Bug-tar] I/O error when filename has colons

From: Marcel (Felix) Giannelia
Subject: [Bug-tar] I/O error when filename has colons
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:43:54 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080726)


I understand why tar is complaining -- I know that when it sees colons in a filename it's expecting it to be in host:/file/name format -- but the error message it gives when I forget to properly escape colons in local filenames is frightening:

$ tar -tf 2009-03-09T01\:30\:03-07\:00.rdiff-backup-increment.tar
tar: 2009-03-09T01\:30\:03-07\:00.rdiff-backup-increment.tar: Cannot open: Input/output error
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Of course, after a few seconds I realize my error and am relieved to know that that didn't come from my hard drive or filesystem, but I think that the error message should read "Cannot open: host 2009-03-09T01 not found" -- that way, no one need go through any momentary terror when this happens :)

Perhaps the error could even read "Cannot open: host 2009-03-09T01 not found (prefix with './' for a local filename with colons)"?


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