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[Bug-tar] Filenames with spaces not handled properly

From: Terry Moore
Subject: [Bug-tar] Filenames with spaces not handled properly
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 18:57:18 -0700

I routinely clean up old files after a time.  Some of these files have spaces 
in the file name.  I have a Solaris 10 server.  With tar, I used to have my ksh 
script capture and change the IFS ksh variable.  I save it to OIFS, set it to 
just a newline character, and then do the tar using an include file containing 
the list of files I want to put on the tape.  When the tar is done, I put the 
IFS back the way it was from OIFS.  
   This has worked quite well in the past, but does not work with gtar.  Gtar 
tells me it cannot stat the file and goes on.  The files are there. It just 
isn't handling the spaces correctly. Putting double quotes around the filenames 
with spaces inside the include file doesn't help either.  
   Here is the relavent code in the script:

# save the Internal Field Separator
# change it to just newline so spaces will be ignored
echo "$IFS" |od -b

/usr/sfw/bin/gtar -C / -c -v -f /dev/rmt/foxc \
       -T /home/prs/cleanup/mem_arc/tar2tape.list \
        > /home/prs/cleanup/mem_arc/tarspace.log 2>&1

# put the IFS back to what it should be

The top of the tarspace.log file says:
$head -2 tarspace.log
0000000 012 012


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