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Re: [Bug-tar] GNU tar generates malformed Pax attributes

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] GNU tar generates malformed Pax attributes
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2014 10:39:33 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird

Joerg Schilling wrote:
This is a star version that is 6 years old, so nobody currently cares about it anymore and the fact that you did never send any information that would allow to debug a potential reason makes it obvious that you do not have a problem, but rather like to grump without reason.
The author of star was told about this over 6 months ago. No newer version of star was submitted to the SuSE repo -- they released the latest version that the author had

If you had a newer version of it, you could have submitted it. I certainly never saw anything submitted from you despite you being on their factory mailing list and being
aware of the problem.

If you don't care to submit an update, SUSE will continue to distribute the version I used as the latest version. Note -- I'm just a user -- but if I had a version that
worked, I certainly would have submitted it.

I gave you a bug report and you asked me for a trace from your own tools --
that are not included on suse.

You ignored the bug report, just like you ignore this one. It has a stack trace and the versions of the libraries used. You are the program author. If you are not
capable of debugging it, don't claim it has no bugs just because you neither
release new source. You said to search on the net -- I couldn't find anything newer.
Even if I did, I'm not SuSE and wouldn't be able to submit it for you..

If you however are able to repeat a problem using a recent star version (1.5.3a01 or later) _and_ you send a stacktrace that includes the fault address and opcode, so debugging could be done, you are of course welcome.
Like I said -- this is the latest version you've provided to suse despite having previous
knowledge of this bug and knowledge that they had no newer version.

If the problem you are talking about did ever exist it has been fixed long ago.
This shows how screwed up you are. "if the problem ever did exist"?? What, you think people just type up stack back traces to harass you? Um... get a clue.

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