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Re: [Bug-tar] I don't know why tar-1.27 cannot back up the contents of a

From: Gene Heskett
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] I don't know why tar-1.27 cannot back up the contents of a softlink
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:06:29 -0400

On Wednesday 23 July 2014 04:56:22 Pavel Raiskup did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday 23 of July 2014 04:08:13 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Can someone tell me why? Not backing up the contents of a softlink,
> > makes an incomplete, often worthless backup.
> based on $Subject, it seems that this is 1.27 only, 1.27.1 is OK?  Then
> 'git log release_1_27..release_1_27_1' could help to find what commit
> fixes this issue.
> > Just last week I had occasion to do a recover after a failed hard
> > drive, and the most important editing program I use, gedit now
> > refuses to run over an ssh -Y link.  Something did not get recreated
> > in the /home/gene/.gconf tree.
> If there was a temporary bug, it would be nice to catch this issue and
> cover it by test-case.  Don't you have a more indices?  Format,
> parameters, etc. With usual tar defaults & the git log above I don't
> see pointers yet.
> Pavel

Thanks Pavel.  But 1.27.1 has not appeared in the ubuntu 10.04.4 repos 
yet. 1.22 on the two client machines does not have this problem.

I may have built this troublesome version but its been quite a spell, get 
the tarball from gnu.org?  Did, had synaptic remove 1.22, I nuked 
/usr/local/bin/tar-1.27, then 

./configure --prefix=/usr, 
sudo make install, 
make installcheck.

I'll have to go modify my amanda dumptypes as I did have them using 1.27 
in /usr/local/bin. But thats a separate problem.

Messy, very messy, testsuite.log attached. What did I do wrong?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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