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[Bug-wget] [PATCH] Output %p as unsigned in the fallback snprintf.

From: Peter Rosin
Subject: [Bug-wget] [PATCH] Output %p as unsigned in the fallback snprintf.
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 16:46:06 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)


The included snprintf function outputs pointers as signed numbers
leading to bad things<tm>. It seems that you don't wish to use
%p, but it also seems that you do in fact use it. So, this can't
be a bad patch, right? Also think about the poor sods borrowing
your snprintf implementation. Errmh, that would be me, I'm just
contributing back...

I have attached a patch. Please CC me, I'm not subscribed...

2009-12-03  Peter Rosin  <address@hidden>

        * snprintf.c (dopr): Output %p as unsigned.


They are in the crowd with the answer before the question.
> Why do you dislike Jeopardy?

Attachment: output-ptr-as-unsigned.patch
Description: Text document

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