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Re: [Bug-xnee] xnee -rep leaves Control -modifier to pressed state after

From: Henrik Sandklef
Subject: Re: [Bug-xnee] xnee -rep leaves Control -modifier to pressed state after exiting xnee.
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 12:52:12 +0100

    You use Xnee 1.08 
    which is over 2 years old 

      Update to 2.03 

On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 11:35 +0200, Veijo Ryhänen wrote:
> Hello,
> I can reproduce this bug:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-xnee/2005-07/msg00005.html
> First, I record when I press a letter "a" and "Control+c" immediatelly
> after that using this command:
> xnee -rec --verbose --keyboard -o a_and_ctrl_c.xnl

What happens is:
1) you press Control - xnee saves the Control press
2) you press 'c'- your shell/terminal is sending xnee a signal 
3) you release 'c' - xnee is now closing down and therefore not saves
the release
4) you release Control - xnee is now closing down and therefore not
saves the release

So in this case, Control press gets recorded. If Xnee is in a strange
state, you can probably just press and release Control and you'll be OK.

OK, how to solve this then? I see 3 ways now. Perhaps there are more and
even perhaps even smart ways to solve it. But these are the ones I think
of right now.

1) You do it
Remove the last line in your recorded file (that starts with "0,2,").
This way the Control press isn't played back.

2) Xnee does it
This may sound easy. It is not. Cnee has to check how it hawas started
from a terminal and after that check what key combination sends the
signal..... This is not something I think is something that Xnee should

Another thing would be to hold the writing of pressing of modifiers a
bit to see if anything strange is happening (e.g Control C). BUT, what
happens when user presses Alt + Button 1 + moves the mouse. This moves
the window underneath the mouse. Then during replay we do want the press
of Alt to have been recorded, since otherwise the window isn't moved as
when recording. So this is not a solution :(

3) use a stop key
Invoke cnee with the stop key, like this:
   cnee -rec --verbose --keyboard -o a_and_ctrl_c.xnl -sk F1

Then Xnee will stop recording when F1 is pressed. And F1 press or
release will not be recorded*.

*) well, actually they are, but I solved that bug last night. But since
both F1 press and release are recorded I think nothing is going to
happen (i.e no strange state). New release (2.04) will come next week.

> So, it seems to be true that xnee leaves the modifier Control to
> pressed state 
> after replay. I fixed this by pressing "Ctrl+c" in my konsole and
> after that my 

Control alone would be OK to leave the state.

> keyboard and mouse wheel in firefox started to work as expected.
> echo $LANG  -> en_US, and my scandinavic keyboard works.
> Here are some console output. Are those "Corrupt line" -rows ok ?
> I set my konsole screen rollback history size to  "Unlimited", but 
> I still lose some lines in the beginnig of the history 
> (=bug in konsole? Or xnee clear the konsole screen history 
> when starting with  -verbose ?)

Don't know. The corrupt line is something the "xnee replayer" says when
it finds something strange in the recorded file, please send over the
recorded file alone in an attachement. But more important, 



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