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[certi-dev] libFedTime together with a shared libCERTI under Windows?

From: Gotthard, Petr
Subject: [certi-dev] libFedTime together with a shared libCERTI under Windows?
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 18:42:22 +0100

Hi Eric, hi All,
can we ever have a standard compliant libFedTime together with a shared libCERTI under Windows?
Fact 1: Windows hates circular references in shared libraries (DLL).
Conclusion 1: As libRTI needs to communicate with RTIA, it needs a communication library (libCERTI).
Fact 2: The (unbelievably complex) RTI::FedTime concept uses an abstract class in the RTI:: namespace that is supposed to handle time calculations. This class is user-provided and has no method to extract a float/double value. In IEEE 1516.1 this is yet more complex, as we can have either an integer- or a float-based time.
Conclusion 2: The absence of cast to float/integer suggests that the RTI:: functions are meant to use this class directly. As the RTIA must use RTI::FedTime (or rti1516::LogicalTime), it must use the RTI::Exception, so it needs libRTI.
libRTI needs libCERTI, but also libCERTI needs libRTI
If my conclusions are not wrong, we cannot have compliant RTI::FedTime, use shared CERTI under Windows and avoid circular references. Do you see something what I don't?

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