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[Cfgstoragemk-dev] bath braid

From: Wilfred Rainey
Subject: [Cfgstoragemk-dev] bath braid
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 18:32:14 +0300

Sick of hedge funds and flippers getting all the great new issues?
Rumor's circulating and keeping the focus on the company's news.
A $1,000 dollar investment could yield a $5,000 dollar profit in
just ONE trade if you trade out at the top.

Trading Date : 2006, June 5
Company : Amerossi International Group
S y m b o l : A M S N Current Price : $0.05
Expected Target : $0.30 - $0.50
Recommendation : 10(10)

We feel this is a "S t o c k  A l e r t" and you should have this on
your Radar.
This company has dropped big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't
have another big one.
Do this often enough, and your portfolio can double, even TRIPLE in

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