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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] A native scheme install

From: Michele La Monaca
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] A native scheme install
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 00:50:11 +0100

As I pointed out in a previous post, not all systems ship with a
BSD-compliant "install" command. The usual way to overcome this
problem is to provide an shell script.

I think chicken is in a better position being able to provide a native
install.scm scheme program. That's exactly what the patch does: it
adds a new library function (file-install) and the program install.scm
which mimics a BSD install command.

I've tried to 'make install' on my Macbook and on Solaris10 using the
new install.scm. Everthing seems fine.

If it turns out to be a good idea, it would be feasible to switch to
install.scm for every platform (Windows as well?). The advantage in
doing so, aside from less customized build scripts and Makefiles, is a
more robust and consistent build environment (in my opinion of

Btw, the patch includes my previous patch for file=? because
file-install needs it.


Attachment: 0001-install.scm.patch
Description: Binary data

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