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Re: [Chicken-janitors] several bugs.

From: Elf
Subject: Re: [Chicken-janitors] several bugs.
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 22:33:14 -0700 (PDT)

erk, i forgot to attach the file.  i was in a rather bad auto accident today
(concrete barrier vs my car == no car anymore) so my brain is a bit fuzzed still. here's the file. (this is for an extended string formatting procedure
that i hope to make into an actual egg at some point cause i find it very

the proplists bug is for 2.727 when trying to compile the boyer test.  ive
located what and where the problem is.  working on a fix.


On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, felix winkelmann wrote:

On 10/25/07, Elf <address@hidden> wrote:

1) the trac wiki wont let me submit bugs:  rejected as potential spam.


Please, go to "Settings" and register an account. Then it will let you
submit tickets (this is a security measure to avoid spam).

2) inlining procedures doesnt work in svn head.  identical code worked in 2.6.
    file is attached.  i'm starting to try to find where the bug is thats
    causing this.  i would classify this as a major bug.

Can you attach it again, please?

3) proplists do not give #f or default fail values if the symbol has not
    been previously set.  this causes to fail in svn head.  i would
    also classify this as major because the tests cannot complete, but it should
    be a minor fix.  i will try to commit the fix by this weekend.

I cannot reproduce this. What chicken version?

sorry i've not been more active, new job. :(

Hey, don't apologize - every little help is welcome. I am desperately
trying to juggle chicken, work and private life, and understand that more
than anybody. Days are just too short.


Attachment: eformat.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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