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Re: [Chicken-users] SRFI-9 vs. define-record vs. (copy)

From: felix
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] SRFI-9 vs. define-record vs. (copy)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 21:42:10 +0100
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address@hidden wrote:
Currently SRFI-9 records and (define-record) records are
disjoint. Could they be made the same? I'd really love to have
(define-record-printer) for SRFI-9 records :-)

The code generated by `define-record' is more efficient than
the SRFI-9 stuff. I have to take a deeper look, but I'm not
sure wether it is possible to make the underlying machinery
the same without a) making Chicken's records slower, and
b) violating SRFI-9.

On the topic of records, the (copy) function is *too* deep - it copies
the record type as well as the record value!

        (define-record x y)
        (define a (make-x 1))
        (define b (copy a))

        a ==> #<x>
        b ==> #<x>     ;; but it's a *different* x

        (x-y a) ==> 1
        (x-y b) ==> error

        (x? a) ==> #t
        (x? b) ==> #f

Any suggestions on how this might be avoided?

The `copy' procedure (as much of the stuff in the `lolevel'
unit) should be taken with a grain of salt: it's more intended
for low-level hacks (like copying data from non-GC'd memory
back into the heap). I really should have taken a less generic
name. The problem here is that the symbol is copied too and
so doesn't keep it's uniqueness (I think there is something
in the manual about this). I will rename `copy' and introduce
a decent generic copying routine.


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