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[Chicken-users] regex diff + how to check for foreign type?

From: Joerg F. Wittenberger
Subject: [Chicken-users] regex diff + how to check for foreign type?
Date: 21 Nov 2002 16:41:18 +0100

Hi all,

it occured to me that the chicken regex module doesn't allow to
precompile regualr expressions.  Here some modifications which
apparently work.  Coding took me to the question how do I check for a
foreign type.  This code allows to use strings or precompiled regular
expressions.  But it only checks for strings and assumes otherwise the
argument to be a precompiled expression.  How could I improve the

so short


The worst of harm may often result from the best of intentions.

--- regex-orig.scm      Thu Nov 21 14:58:59 2002
+++ regex.scm   Thu Nov 21 15:17:13 2002
@@ -101,39 +101,38 @@
 ;;; Compile regular expression into pattern buffer:
 (define ##regexp#re-compile-pattern
   (foreign-lambda* int ((c-string rx) (c-pointer buffer))
     "return(regcomp((regex_t *)buffer, rx, REG_EXTENDED));") )
 (define ##regexp#compile
   (let ([error error])
-    (lambda (regexp loc)
-      (##sys#check-string regexp loc)
+    (lambda (regexp) ;;  loc)
+      ;; string check no longer useful (##sys#check-string regexp loc)
       (let ([index #f])
        (let loop ([i 0])
          (cond [(fx>= i ##regexp#buffer-count)
                 (set! index ##regexp#buffer-index)
                 (set! ##regexp#buffer-index (fx+ index 1)) 
                 (when (fx>= ##regexp#buffer-index ##regexp#buffer-count)
                   (set! ##regexp#buffer-index 0) ) ]
                [(string=? regexp (##sys#slot (##sys#slot ##regexp#buffers i) 
                 (set! index i) ]
                [else (loop (fx+ i 1))] ) )
        (let ([b (##sys#slot ##regexp#buffers index)])
          (if (zero? (##regexp#re-compile-pattern regexp (##sys#slot b 1)))
              (##sys#setslot b 0 regexp) 
              (##sys#error "can not compile regular expression" regexp) )
          (##sys#slot b 1) ) ) ) ) )
 ;;; Gather matched result strings or positions:
 (define (##regexp#gather-result-positions result b)
   (and (zero? result)
        (let ([n (##core#inline "C_regexp_count_matches" b)])
         (let loop ([i 0])
           (if (fx>= i n)
               (let ([start (##core#inline "C_regexp_register_start" i)])
@@ -161,28 +160,38 @@
     "n = rx->re_nsub + 1;"
     "r = regexec((regex_t *)buffer, str + start, n, C_match_registers, 0);"
     "if(start != 0) {"
     "  for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {"
     "    C_match_registers[ i ].rm_so += start;"
     "    C_match_registers[ i ].rm_eo += start;"
     "  }"
     "return(r);") )
+(define-foreign-type regex (pointer "regex_t"))
 (let ([b #f]
       [string-append string-append] )
+  (set! regex-compile
+        (lambda (str)
+          (##sys#check-string str 'regex-compile)
+          (##regexp#compile str)))
   (define (prepare regexp str start loc)
     (##sys#check-string str loc)
     (let ([si (if (pair? start) (##sys#slot start 0) 0)])
       (##sys#check-exact si loc)
-      (set! b (##regexp#compile (string-append "^" regexp "$") loc))
+      (set! b (if (string? regexp)
+                  (##regexp#compile (string-append "^" regexp "$"))
+                  regexp))
       (##regexp#re-match b str si 0) ) )
   (set! string-match
     (lambda (regexp str . start)
       (let ([m (prepare regexp str start 'string-match)])
        (##regexp#gather-results m str b) ) ) )
   (set! string-match-positions
     (lambda (regexp str . start)
       (let ([m (prepare regexp str start 'string-match-positions)])
@@ -194,21 +203,21 @@
 (let ([b #f])
   (define (prepare regexp str start-and-range loc)
     (##sys#check-string str loc)
     (let* ([range (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" start-and-range) 
                       (##sys#slot start-and-range 1) ) ]
           [si (if range (##sys#slot start-and-range 0) 0)]
           [ri (if (##core#inline "C_blockp" range) (##sys#slot range 0) 0)] )
       (##sys#check-exact si loc)
       (##sys#check-exact ri loc)
-      (set! b (##regexp#compile regexp loc))
+      (set! b (if (string? regexp) (##regexp#compile regexp) regexp))
       (##regexp#re-match b str si ri) ) )
   (set! string-search 
     (lambda (regexp str . start-and-range)
       (let ([s (prepare regexp str start-and-range 'string-search)])
        (##regexp#gather-results s str b) ) ) )
   (set! string-search-positions
     (lambda (regexp str . start-and-range)
       (let ([s (prepare regexp str start-and-range 'string-search-positions)])

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