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[Chicken-users] thread-flow benchmark

From: Dale Jordan
Subject: [Chicken-users] thread-flow benchmark
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 17:59:46 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (X11/20040904)

Since I didn't have anything better to do on a Sunday afternoon I thought I'd learn how chicken threads worked. Attached is my contribution to your benchmark challenge.

Dale Jordan
;;;; thread-flow benchmark

;     * create a chain of 3000 threads such that:
;           o each thread
;                 + can receive an integer message
;                 + can store the received message
;                 + knows the next thread in the chain
;                 + can send the integer message + 1 to the next thread
;           o the last thread in the chain is different, it:
;                 + can receive an integer message
;                 + can store the sum of received messages
;                 + there is no next thread
;     * N times: send the integer message 0 to the first thread
;     * print the sum of messages received by the last thread

; Correct output N = 200 is:

; 600000

(require-extension srfi-18)

;;; The interthread communications channel

(define (make-channel)                  ; => channel
  (let ((write-mutex (make-mutex))
        (read-mutex (make-mutex))
        (val #f))
    (define (read)
      (mutex-lock! read-mutex #f #f)
      (let ((t val))
        (mutex-unlock! write-mutex)
    (define (write new-val)
      (mutex-lock! write-mutex #f #f)
      (set! val new-val)
      (mutex-unlock! read-mutex))
    (mutex-lock! read-mutex #f #f)      ; make reader initially block
    (lambda (which)
      (case which
        ((read) read)
        ((write) write)))))

;;; make thread chain connected by channels

(define (build-chain n chan0)           ; => channel-n
  (define (setup-thread in out)
      (lambda ()
        (let ((read (in 'read))
              (write (out 'write)))
          (let loop ()
            (write (+ 1 (read)))
  (let loop ((i n) (in chan0) (out (make-channel)))
    (if (zero? i)
          (setup-thread in out)
          (loop (- i 1) out (make-channel))))))

;;; the last thread which accumulates the sum

(define (last-thread iterations in out)
    (lambda ()
      (let ((read (in 'read))
            (write (out 'write)))
        (let loop ((i 1) (n 0) (j (read)))
          (let ((n- (+ n j)))
            (if (= i iterations)
                (write n-)
                (loop (+ 1 i) n- (read))))))))))

;;; driver

(define (doit threads iterations)
  (let* ((chan-0 (make-channel))
         (chan-n-1 (build-chain threads chan-0))
         (chan-n (make-channel)))
    (last-thread iterations chan-n-1 chan-n)
    (let ((write (chan-0 'write))
          (read (chan-n 'read)))
      (let loop ((i 0))
        (if (= i iterations)
              (display "Sum is ") (display (read))
              (write 0)
              (loop (+ 1 i))))))))

(define (main args)
  (case (length args)
    ((0) (doit 3000 200))
    ((1) (doit 3000 (string->number (car args))))
    ((2) (doit (string->number (cadr args)) (string->number (car args))))
     (display "Usage: [iterations [threads]]"))))

(main (command-line-arguments))

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