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[Chicken-users] BB + FLU not working

From: Matt Gushee
Subject: [Chicken-users] BB + FLU not working
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:09:34 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20050108)

Hello, all--

Let me preface this by saying that I am totally new to Chicken, and in fact to Scheme--though I have some FP experience, having worked with OCaml for a couple of years, and have done a little with a couple of LISPish languages in the past. I have tentatively chosen Chicken for an application I want to develop because it compiles fast standalone executables, apparently works on Win32 without heroic measures, and has the kinds of libraries I need--one of them being bb.

Now, after compiling and installing Chicken 1.89, I have installed bb on two Linux boxes. Both machines are running an up-to-date Arch Linux system, which means:


However, one machine has FLU installed, and the other one doesn't. Since there is no Arch package for FLU, I downloaded and compiled the most recent version (2.14?).

On the FLUless machine, bb seems to be working fine. At, least I have tried a couple of toy programs, both in the interpreter and compiled, and they worked as expected. On the machine with FLU, I get the following:

#;1> (require-extension bb)
; loading /opt/chicken/lib/chicken/ ...
Error: (load) unable to load compiled module
"/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN9Fl_Widget6resizeEiiii"

The only things that occur to me are that maybe this version of FLU isn't supported (which versions are known to work?), or perhaps having Fltk installed under /usr and FLU under /usr/local doesn't work. But those are just guesses.

Any clues will be greatly appreciated.

Matt Gushee
Englewood, CO, USA

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