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[Chicken-users] Re: Problem with -DPIC When Building with MinGw

From: Patrick Brannan
Subject: [Chicken-users] Re: Problem with -DPIC When Building with MinGw
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 17:00:27 -0600

Well, after looking at the preprocessor output I figured it out. All it took was a small change to chicken.h. There were also some patches to

Anyway, now I have chicken 2.3 building with mingw and no MS tools at all. Everything works including csc, chicken-setup, and dll eggs.

If anyone cares I will get this organized and send it in. Personally I think this will be a good way for a lot of win32 users to go. None of the code changes that I made are significant and the getting started process is fairly simple.


By the way - the existing mingw installation instructions, in the readme, do not work at all.

On 2/24/06, Patrick Brannan < address@hidden> wrote:
I have a question about building chicken 2.3 with mingw. Why does -DPIC cause mingw to fail while linking the dll? Everything works fine without -DPIC except for the dynamic extensions. I probably missed something simple, but I don't see what it is. I'm definitely operating at the outer edges of my gcc / linking knowledge.

The make file and an explanatory text doc are attached.

When we build chicken 2.3 with the attached build file and -DPIC defined the build
fails when linking the dll with the following output from mingw's gcc:
gcc -shared ./runtime.o ./library.o ./eval.o ./profiler.o ./scheduler.o ./extras.o ./match-support.o ./lolevel.o ./tinyclos.o ./pregexp.o ./utils.o ./tcp.o ./posixwin.o ./srfi-1.o ./srfi-4.o ./srfi-13.o ./srfi-14.o ./srfi-18.o ./stub.o -lws2_32 -o libchicken.dll -Wl,--image-base=0x10000000 -Wl,--out-implib,libchicken.a
Creating library file: libchicken.a
./extras.o(.text+0x10f):extras.c: undefined reference to `_imp__C_temporary_stack'
./extras.o(.text+0x130):extras.c: undefined reference to `_imp__C_temporary_stack'
... Lots more like this. _C_temporary_stack is defined in chicken.h

When built with cygwin the link command is executed as follows and it works:
gcc -shared  .libs/libchicken_la-runtime.o .libs/libchicken_la-library.o .libs/libchicken_la-eval.o .libs/libchicken_la-profiler.o .libs/libchicken_la-scheduler.o .libs/libchicken_la-extras.o .libs/libchicken_la-match-support.o .libs/libchicken_la-lolevel.o .libs/libchicken_la-tinyclos.o .libs/libchicken_la-utils.o .libs/libchicken_la-tcp.o .libs/libchicken_la-pcre.o .libs/libchicken_la-posix.o .libs/libchicken_la-stub.o .libs/libchicken_la-srfi-1.o .libs/libchicken_la-srfi-4.o .libs/libchicken_la-srfi-13.o .libs/libchicken_la-srfi-14.o .libs/libchicken_la-srfi-18.o  /usr/lib/libpcre.dll.a  -o .libs/cygchicken-0.dll -Wl,--image-base=0x10000000 -Wl,--out-implib,.libs/libchicken.dll.a

As an example here are the commands used to build runtime.o and extras.o under cygwin:
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -DC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD=1 -DC_INSTALL_LIB_HOME=\"/usr/local/lib/chicken\" -DC_INSTALL_HOME=\"/usr/local/share/chicken\" -DC_USE_C_DEFAULTS -DC_NO_PIC_NO_DLL -DC_BUILDING_LIBCHICKEN -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -c runtime.c  -DPIC -o .libs/libchicken_la-runtime.o

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -DC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD=1 -DC_INSTALL_LIB_HOME=\"/usr/local/lib/chicken\" -DC_INSTALL_HOME=\"/usr/local/share/chicken\" -DC_USE_C_DEFAULTS -DC_NO_PIC_NO_DLL -DC_BUILDING_LIBCHICKEN -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -c extras.c  -DPIC -o .libs/libchicken_la-extras.o

Here are the commands used to build runtime.o and extras.o under mingw:
gcc -Os -DC_DEFAULT_TARGET_STACK_SIZE=300000 -DC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD=1 -DC_NO_PIC_NO_DLL -DHAVE_LOADLIBRARY -DHAVE_GETPROCADDRESS -DHAVE_WINDOWS_H -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -IC:/working/mingw-only/chicken-2.3 -DPIC -DC_BUILDING_LIBCHICKEN -c runtime.c   -oruntime.o

gcc -c -Os -DC_DEFAULT_TARGET_STACK_SIZE=300000 -DC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD=1 -DC_NO_PIC_NO_DLL -DHAVE_LOADLIBRARY -DHAVE_GETPROCADDRESS -DHAVE_WINDOWS_H -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -IC:/working/mingw-only/chicken-2.3 -DPIC extras.c -o extras.o

Using nm to look at the symbols under cygwin:
$ nm libchicken_la-runtime.o | grep temporary_stack
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack_bottom
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack_limit
$ nm libchicken_la-extras.o | grep temporary_stack
         U _C_temporary_stack
         U _C_temporary_stack_bottom

Using nm to look at the symbols under mingw:
C:\working\mingw-only\chicken-2.3>nm runtime.o | grep temporary_stack
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack_bottom
00000010 C _C_temporary_stack_limit
C:\working\mingw-only\chicken-2.3>nm extras.o | grep temporary_stack
         U __imp__C_temporary_stack
         U __imp__C_temporary_stack_bottom

So it is apparent that the __imp_ prefix is causing the linker to fail. Why is
this? Leaving it undefined works for chicken itself, but causes the eggs to
fail as dlls. I'm so close to getting this that I can smell it.

Cygwin gcc version: 3.4.4
Mingw gcc version: 3.4.2

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