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[Chicken-users] (repl) in compiled files

From: Dan
Subject: [Chicken-users] (repl) in compiled files
Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 09:34:29 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

(repl) in a compiled file doesn't seem to know about
variables or functions imported from modules. Is this
normal? How can I work around this?

;; mod1.scm
(module mod1 (f1)
  (define (f1 x) x))

;; x.scm
(require 'mod1) (import mod1)
(display f1) (newline)
(define (f2 x) x)

csc -R syntax-case -sv mod1.scm
csc -R syntax-case -v x.scm

% ./x
#<procedure (mod1$$f1 g14861487)>
#;> f2
#<procedure (f2 g14871488)>
#;> f1
Error: unbound variable: f1

-- Dan

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