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[Chicken-users] INSTALL-CMake.txt

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: [Chicken-users] INSTALL-CMake.txt
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:59:17 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

How to build Chicken Scheme using CMake

by Brandon Van Every
CMake buildmaster
last updated June 7, 2006

If in trouble, please contact me through the Chicken mailing list. You can subscribe to the list from the Chicken homepage,


These are alternate instructions for getting a working Chicken system from a Darcs checkout. These are NOT the canonical build instructions; those are available in README.darcs. The two build methods are completely independent and have nothing to do with each other. When following my instructions, don't go by anything stated in README.darcs. Nothing there is relevant: the required build numbers aren't relevant, the needed tools aren't relevant, the environment variables aren't relevant, etc. In my opinion, this CMake build method is easier, but the results are not well tested yet.


- install a C compiler
- install platform-specific SDKs
- install Chicken 2.3 or better
- install Darcs
- install CMake
- building with CMakeSetup on Windows
- building with CCMake on Unix, Cygwin, and MacOS
- building with wxWidgets version of CMakeSetup
- test your new Chicken installation
- Enjoy!

If you already know how to use Chicken, Darcs, and CMake, then you don't really need these instructions. They are aimed at first-time users. For the experienced: you'll need a working Chicken 2.3 compiler or better. The Darcs repository is at . If you're building on Windows you may or may not need the Platform SDK, I'm unsure. Other than that, do the usual.


A CMake build is no more difficult than running a GNU Autoconf ./configure script. CMake is designed to replace Autoconf. It provides the same functionality of querying the system and available libraries. It can generate Unix makefiles, and unlike Autoconf, it can also generate Visual C++ project files, Windows nmake files, Borland makefiles, and Watcom makefiles. CMake is a true cross-platform build tool, not just a Unix build tool. For full details on CMake and supported platforms, look at .

These instructions can, in principle, be used to build Chicken with any compiler on any platform that CMake supports. In practice, the build is known to work on: MinGW using MSYS generation, Visual Studio .NET 2003, Cygwin, Linux, and Mac OS X. The build is aggressive about testing for system-specific .h files and libraries, so untried platforms may build just fine. If they don't, the changes are likely to be trivial. Please report any problems to the Chicken mailing list, so they can be fixed and incorporated.

At this time the build results are not well tested. Everything builds and installs, but I cannot yet guarantee that everything works. Part of the problem is Chicken lacks a comprehensive test suite.

INSTALL a C compiler

Any reasonable, recent C compiler should work. GCC, VC++, MinGW, and Cygwin get regular testing and are all known to work.

INSTALL platform-specific SDKs

On Windows, you may need the Platform SDK. Once upon a time it was required to prevent certain errors. It may still be; I don't know. I don't feel like tearing apart my stable build system to find out.

On Unix, you probably don't need to do anything. CMake checks for what .h files and libraries you have. If you're missing something important, the build will complain.

INSTALL Chicken 2.3 or better

You need an extant Chicken to build from Darcs. Chicken 2.3 or later is required. If you try to use an earlier Chicken, CMake will complain and the build will not proceed.

The build is two-stage, so a sub-optimal Chicken is fine. First the old Chicken is used to build a static boot compiler, called chicken-boot. Then chicken-boot is used to build the final compiler. That way, the final compiler uses the most current code.

The Chicken compiler doesn't need to have been built with any particular C runtime. As long as it actually works on your platform, you're fine. The C code that Chicken outputs will compile on any platform, not just the one you built it on. You can, for instance, use a Chicken built with VC++ to bootstrap a Chicken MinGW build, or a Cygwin build, or vice versa.

If your OS has Chicken 2.3 available as a package in a distribution, use that. That saves you the bother of compiling anything. As of this writing, Debian is known to have Chicken 2.3 in the "testing" distribution, but not the "stable" distribution. YMMV with other distributions and OSes.

If you're on Windows, grab the Windows binary from the Chicken homepage and use that. After unpacking, type "win-install" on the command line. It'll bug you about how to install it.

Otherwise, grab a so-called "tarball" from the Chicken homepage and build it. "tarballs" are released with a bunch of pre-generated .c files, so that you don't need Chicken to build it. You just need a C compiler and the ability to run ./configure. Or for VC++ you can type "vcbuild" on a command line, but you shouldn't need to that because you can just grab a Windows binary as above. If a Chicken tarball won't build from sources, you have a problem. Post to the Chicken list about it.

After you have installed your old Chicken, go to some directory other than where you unpacked or built the thing, to make sure your PATHs are set up properly. Type "chicken -version". You should get something like:

)   ___
(__/_____) /)   ,    /)
 /       (/      _ (/_   _ __
/        / )__(_(__/(___(/_/ (_
Version 2, Build 3 - windows-msvc-x86 - [ dload ptables ]
(c)2000-2005 Felix L. Winkelmann


Goto and grab a precompiled binary for your platform. Again, if you've got packages and distribution, use 'em. Darcs has its own learning curve, but obtaining a Chicken repository is easy. Goto your favorite command line and type:

 mkdir chicken
 cd chicken
 darcs get

This will populate your directory with a full working repository.


CMake 2.4 or later is required. Goto download section, grab CMake for your platform, and install it. Alternately, if your OS has a packaging and distribution system (i.e. RedHat, Debian, Cygwin, etc.) you can probably obtain it that way. If there's no CMake 2.4 package, bug the CMake guys about providing one. :-)

BUILDING with CMakeSetup on Windows

CMakeSetup is the GUI front-end for CMake on Windows. It is appropriate for VC++ and MinGW builds. If you're doing a Cygwin build, use CCMake instead. Cygwin has a CCMake built specifically for it.

It is best to use the GUI for your build. Straight usage of CMake from the command line is possible, but it is not the expected case use. The command line options are somewhat lacking compared to what's available from the GUI.

It is adviseable to perform so-called "out of directory" builds. The source files live in a source directory, and the build happens in a separate destination directory. That way, if your build dies and you need to start over, your source tree won't be contaminated.

Open CMakeSetup from the "Start.. Programs.. CMake" menu. You don't have to be in any particular directory or shell. A window pops up. Fill out the fields:

 "Where is the source code:" C:\src\chicken
 "Where to build the binaries:" C:\dest\chicken

Now hit "Configure". A dialog box will ask you to Select the Generator. Choose any generator you wish and hit OK.

Note that if you're building with Microsoft's free downloadable compilers, they don't have Visual Studio development environments, so you can't use .sln files with them. Consequently, you're going to want "NMake makefiles" generation. Can't remember if the free MS compilers typically have nmake. The Platform SDK definitely does, and perhaps you can obtain nmake separately. I don't test on nmake but it should work fine, since I do test on Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Note that MinGW makefiles, MSYS makefiles, and Unix makefiles are all distinct. If you typically use MinGW under a MSYS shell, then use "MSYS makefiles". If you typically use MinGW with no shell, but from a plain jane Windows command prompt, then use "MinGW makefiles". "Unix makefiles" won't detect your installed MSYS environment. It is intended for actual Unix systems or workalikes, such as Cygwin.

You now have the opportunity to change various settings if you wish, such as the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This is the directory that Chicken will eventually be installed in after it is built. The default is X:\Program Files\Chicken, where "X" is the drive your OS is installed on. Uncommitted settings appear in red. Once you've changed what you like, hit "Configure" again. Now the settings will change to grey and the message "Configuring done" will appear in the status bar. Hit "OK" to exit CMakeSetup.

You should now have a bunch of files in your C:\dest\chicken directory. If you built .sln files for Visual Studio, click on it and do the rest of your build from within VS. You'll have projects for everything and it should be straightforward. If you built nmake files, drop to a command prompt and type "nmake". If you built MSYS makefiles, open a MSYS shell and type "make".

If everything builds, then install your results. Under VS, run the "INSTALL" project. For nmake, type "nmake install". For MSYS, type "make install".

Now put Chicken in your PATH. Right click on "My Computer." Select "Properties... Advanced... Environment Variables...." Under "System Variables," select "Path" and click "Edit...." Add the following to the end of your path:

 ;C:\Program Files\Chicken\bin

Note the ; separator.

BUILDING with CCMake on Unix, Cygwin, and MacOS

CCMake is the GUI front-end for CMake on Unix-like systems. It stands for "Curses CMake." That's how you remember that there are 2 C's.

It is best to use the GUI for your build. Straight usage of CMake from the command line is possible, but it is not the expected case use. The command line options are somewhat lacking compared to what's available from the GUI.

It is adviseable to perform so-called "out of directory" builds. The source files live in a source directory, and the build happens in a separate destination directory. That way, if your build dies and you need to start over, your source tree won't be contaminated.

You have to start in your destination directory, and provide the path to your source directory. At a shell prompt, type:

 mkdir -p dest/chicken
 cd dest/chicken
 ccmake /path/to/src/chicken

CCMake will start up and assume a "Unix makefile" generator. It is technically possible to specify other generators on the command line with the -G option, but I've never tried this, nor seen a need.

You now have the opportunity to change various settings if you wish, such as the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This is the directory that Chicken will eventually be installed in after it is built. The default is /usr/local. Once you've changed what you like, press [c] to Configure. If configuration goes ok, you'll be given a new option, press [g] to Generate. If Generation is successful, CCMake exits and you're done.

You should now have a bunch of files in your current directory, dest/chicken. Type "make". If it goes well, type "make install".

Now put Chicken in your PATH. This is done in various ways on various Unixes. If you took the default install prefix of /usr/local, then Chicken will already be in your PATH.

Building with wxWindows version of CMakeSetup

There's an experimental version of CMakeSetup using wxWindows widgets available on Linux and MacOS. I'm not sure how it is obtained, or if it works. Caveat Emptor.


Open a new shell or command prompt. Change to any directory other than where you built or installed Chicken, to make sure that your PATH is set up correctly. Type:

 chicken -version

You should see a banner like:

 @@@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@  @@@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@
!@@      @@!  @@@ @@! !@@      @@!  !@@ @@!      @@address@hidden@@@
address@hidden      @address@hidden@address@hidden !!@ address@hidden      
@!@@address@hidden  @!!!:!   @!@@address@hidden
:!!      !!:  !!! !!: :!!      !!: :!!  !!:      !!:  !!!
 :: :: :  :   : : :    :: :: :  :   ::: : :: ::: ::    :

Version 2, Build 316 - windows-mingw32-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann



How to enjoy? Well, myself, I'm moving on to OpenGL support after this. This is all part of my master plan to conquer the game industry. If you're interested in that, send e-mail to the Chicken list. Wouldn't a fullblown 3D demo instead of a mere ASCII banner be cool?

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