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Re: [Chicken-users] where do the friggin' libraries go on Unix?

From: John Cowan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] where do the friggin' libraries go on Unix?
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 22:39:48 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:

> Once upon a time, Felix looked at the CMake build and pronounced that 
> libraries go in whatever_prefix/lib.  But perhaps that's wrong, and they 
> should go in whatever_prefix/share/chicken?  All you wonderful Unixen 
> debate this.  I really don't care, and it is trivial to change.  I note 
> that the .exports all go in whatever_prefix/share/chicken, and that the 
> Chicken 2.41 ./configure tarball under Cygwin installs the libraries in 
> whatever_prefix/lib.

Libchicken and libuchicken and their static variants indeed go in
$PREFIX/lib.  Eggs go in $PREFIX/lib/chicken/1, just as on Cygwin.
Not only .exports but also .scm files containing macros go in
$PREFIX/share/chicken, as you point out.

John Cowan    address@hidden
Nobody expects the RESTifarian Inquisition!  Our chief weapon is
surprise ... surprise and tedium  ... tedium and surprise ....
Our two weapons are tedium and surprise ... and ruthless disregard
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ruthless disregard ... and an almost fanatical devotion to Roy Fielding....

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