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Re: [Chicken-users] building on windows

From: Mark Baily
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] building on windows
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 09:43:38 +1100

Hi Felix,
I tried retrieving the latest subversion revision 2791 then copied into it the boot/cfiles/*.* from the chicken 2.5 release.

chicken-boot.exe is now giving an unhandled win32 exception as soon as it is launched.


On 1/2/07, felix winkelmann <address@hidden> wrote:

Do you have access to the darcs or svn repositories?
I could not reproduce the endless loop (but darkly remember
a similar loop on OS X when running chicken-boot).
What I could reproduce was a segfault (on OS X again), while
chicken-boot was compiling lowlevel.scm.
I think I have tracked down the problem (GC bug), and
a fix is available in the darcs/svn repositories. If you don't
want or can not access those, I can prepare a tarball.

Brandon, can you try the current darcs head?


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