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Re: [Chicken-users] Problem accessing macro from module

From: Abdulaziz Ghuloum
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Problem accessing macro from module
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 14:23:09 -0500

On Jan 22, 2007, at 1:27 PM, John Cowan wrote:

Abdulaziz Ghuloum scripsit:

The problem is that chicken does not have proper integration of psyntax.
This shows up in many places (try changing the value of memv and use
case when syntax-case is loaded; or try changing lambda and use let).
This behavior is found in not only chicken but in almost all systems
that use psyntax (other than Chez and Ikarus).

IIRC, Chez does not use psyntax but its own implementation that is
maintained in parallel.  So your compiler is unique.

I don't think this is true (why would Kent maintain a some 5000 line of
non-trivial code separately?) Also, the comment at the top of
clearly says where comes from:

;;; Portable implementation of syntax-case
;;; Extracted from Chez Scheme Version 7.1 (Aug 01, 2006)
;;; Authors: R. Kent Dybvig, Oscar Waddell, Bob Hieb, Carl Bruggeman

For compilable macros to work, a few minor changes need to be made to
the psyntax implementation (egg) in chicken. Mainly, the ctem and rtem values need to be set to appropriate values when evaluating in the repl
and when compiling a file. (described in under
 /Initial mode sets/.)

Can you work with Felix to make this happen?  It would be very nice if
this nuisance went away.

The change should be pretty straightforward. Let me assume the following
scenario.  I assume that chicken has the following procedures:

1. (interpret-core-form core-expr) => value
2. (compile-core-form core-expr) => "some native/C code"
3. (interpret expr) == (interpret-core-form (sc-expand expr))
4. (compile expr) == (compile-core-form (sc-expand expr))

What I did was define a parameter (chicken has parameters, no?[1]) called

(define expand-mode
    (lambda (x)
      (unless (memq x '(eval compile bootstrap))
        (error 'expand-mode "~s is not a valid mode" x))

then changes sc-expand from:

(set! sc-expand
  (let ((ctem '(E)) (rtem '(E)))
    (lambda (x)
      (let ((env (interaction-environment)))
        (if (and (pair? x) (equal? (car x) noexpand))
            (cadr x)
            (chi-top* x null-env
              (env-wrap env)
              ctem rtem #f
              (env-top-ribcage env)))))))


(set! sc-expand
  (let ()
    (define get-modes
      (lambda ()
        (case (expand-mode)
          [(eval)      (values '(E)   '(E))]
          [(compile)   (values '(L C) '(L))]
          [(bootstrap) (values '(L)   '(L))])))
    (lambda (x)
      (let ((env (interaction-environment)))
        (let-values ([(ctem rtem) (get-modes)])
          (if (and (pair? x) (equal? (car x) noexpand))
              (cadr x)
              (chi-top* x null-env
                (env-wrap env)
                ctem rtem #f
                (env-top-ribcage env))))))))

then changed the definitions of compile and interpret to be:
3. (interpret expr)
   ==  (interpret-core-form
         (parameterize ([expand-mode 'eval])
           (sc-expand expr)))
4. (compile expr)
   ==  (compile-core-form
         (parameterize ([expand-mode 'compile])
           (sc-expand expr)))

** you can also pass 'eval or 'compile as an extra (optional) argument
to sc-expand for the same effect **

I would be happy to answer any psyntax-related questions (if I know the
answer that is).


[1]: parameterize from ikarus-scheme/src/

(define-syntax parameterize
  (lambda (x)
    (syntax-case x ()
      [(_ () b b* ...) #'(let () b b* ...)]
      [(_ ([olhs* orhs*] ...) b b* ...)
       (with-syntax ([(lhs* ...) (generate-temporaries #'(olhs* ...))]
                     [(rhs* ...) (generate-temporaries #'(orhs* ...))])
        #'(let ([lhs* olhs*] ...
                [rhs* orhs*] ...)
            (let ([swap
                   (lambda ()
                     (let ([t (lhs*)])
                       (lhs* rhs*)
                       (set! rhs* t)) ...)])
                (lambda () b b* ...)

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