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Re: [Chicken-users] Allocation of data for use in return values

From: Zbigniew
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Allocation of data for use in return values
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 20:38:59 -0600


First of all, take some time and browse through some of the various
eggs that interface to foreign code, for example anything by Felix,
Thomas or Kon.  Although the manual contains all the technical
details, for practical implementation it is best to pore through
existing code to get a feel for the idioms and maybe comments on
design decisions.  The allocation method you choose will depend on
what exactly you're trying to do (if you have a concrete example, post
it here and we can offer some advice on that).

Briefly, the two ways you would normally do this are: allocate on the
C stack in C, and allocate a Scheme object in Scheme and pass it to
the C function.  You mentioned both constructing a Scheme object and
allocating a foreign record, so it's not clear what your goal is.  You
may allocate relatively moderate amounts of data on the C stack and
then "return" it if your function is declared as foreign-primitive.
(It is not "returned" but rather "passed forward" in CPS--no stack
unwind is done.)  For example, you could generate a vector, or convert
an C array of ASCIIZ strings to a vector of Scheme strings.

You may also, if you know the size of a piece of foreign data ahead of
time, allocate a scheme object (for example, via make-byte-vector) and
pass that as a parameter to the C function.  You would do this when
the C code needs to write to a C structure that you are making
available to Scheme (for example, the dst result of inet_pton(af, src,
dst) ).

There are some other advanced methods of allocation, some of which
have been mentioned on this list over time, but I have found these two
almost always suffice.

On 1/22/07, Tony Sidaway <address@hidden> wrote:

As I understand it, Chicken's design means that structures are
allocated on the C stack frame, so for instance I could use C_alloc()
and various C macros such as C_vector() to allocate a Scheme object on
the C stack and it would be subsequently usable in Scheme code, but
this would only be useful for callbacks, because the data is reclaimed
by the normal stack unwind when the foreign (C) function returns.

A cleaner way is to rewrite the code so that the foreign data
structure is declared as a foreign-record and allocated (on the C
heap) in Scheme code prior to the C call.  Appropriate use of
set-finalizer! ensures that the allocated heap memory is freed when
the associated (enclosing) Scheme object is about to be reclaimed by
garbage collection.  This is also pretty efficient because the data
structure is controlled by malloc() and free() and there is no
run-time impact on the C code, which simply works on the allocated C

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