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Re: [Chicken-users] tinyclos - how to copy an object?

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] tinyclos - how to copy an object?
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 23:05:41 -0700

On Sep 20, 2007, at 9:43 PM, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

On 9/20/07, Kon Lovett <address@hidden> wrote:

On Sep 19, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

Is there a generic way to copy an object already?  (Make another
instance with the same slots)  Or is it necessary to write such a
function using introspection?

(define copy-object (make-generic "copy-object"))

(add-method copy-object
   (make-method (list <object>)
     (lambda (call-next-method x . initargs)
       (let ([class (class-of x)])
         (apply make class
                     (let ([inited-slot?
                             (lambda (nam)
(let loop ([flag #t] [prplst initargs])
                                 (and (pair? prplst)
                                      (or (and flag (equal? nam (car
                                          (loop (not flag) (cdr
prplst)) ) ) ) )])
                         (lambda (s)
                           (let ([nam (car s)])
                             (unless (inited-slot? nam)
                               (set! initargs (cons nam (cons (slot-
ref x nam) initargs))) ) ) )
                         (class-slots class))
                       initargs ) ) ) ) ) )

Yeah I wrote one too:

(define (copy o)
                        [class (class-of o)]
                        [slots (class-slots class)]
                        [thevoid (void)]
                ; (printf "copying object of ~s~%" class)
                (apply make  (cons class
                        (let loop ([args '()][rem slots])
                                (if (null? rem)
                                        (reverse args)
                                                        [slot-name (caar rem)]
                                                        [val (-> o slot-name)]
                                                (if (eq? thevoid val)
                                                        (loop args (cdr rem))
                                                        (loop (cons val (cons 
(caar rem) args)) (cdr rem) )))))))))

(apply) is inefficient, isn't it?  I saw a trick once to get rid of
it, but forgot what it was.

Well I would think something like this would be a nice addition to the egg.

Probably in the next version. It is in the trunk.

Best Wishes,

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