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[Chicken-users] how to handle errors under callbacks?

From: Rick Taube
Subject: [Chicken-users] how to handle errors under callbacks?
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:38:22 -0500

i need to wrap exception handling around user code inside a (macro generated) function that is inserted into a scheuduler an called back from C so scheme errors dont cause my whole C++/Chicken app to crash under the callback, as is currently the case. im new to chicken and dont really understand all the ins and outs of mixing c with scheme yet. I *thought* i could simply have my macro include a (condition- case ...) around the users code as part of the closure that gets returned as the callback function. and this does sort of work: if i start csi and eval the define-macro below and then create and "call" the callback by hand from inside the csi the error handler works fine.

however, when i actually compile my macro and link it into my c++ app:

csc -c++ -embedded -t ChickenBridge.scm

then when i then create and run the real callback i get the error shown below about (exn) not being defined. but this '(exn)' is part of the condition-case syntax boilerplate which SHOULD have been macroexpanded away when the closure got created when the macro was used. from the looks of the error message for some reason condtion- case clause ( [VARIABLE] (KIND ...) BODY ...) isnt being expanded in my compiled code -- the 'g2' is a gensym my macro creates to receive the exception, (exn) is the condition kind and (printf ...) is the body:

Error: unbound variable: exn
<eval> [foo] (g2 (exn) (printf ">>> Aborting process at time ~S:~% Error: ~S" g0 ((condition-property- accessor......

Ive included the macro below in case anyone sees what im doing wrong. How can i get the condition-case to work when this macro is C compiled to C and linked into my app?

or is there a better way to handle errors under a callback -- for example Is there a way to trap a scheme error on the C side thats calling the callback?

I hope im making sense...

; the go macro looks like 'do' but returns a closure
; that gets iteratively called from a c scheduler

(define-macro (go bindings terminate . body)
  (expand-go bindings terminate body)

(define (expand-go bindings terminate body)
  ;; body holds the user's runtime code
  (let ((bind (list))
        (init (list))
        (step (list)))
    (if (not (list? bindings))
        (error "go bindings not a list" bindings))
    (if (not (list? terminate))
        (error "go stopping clause not a list" terminate)
        (if (null? terminate)
            (error "go stopping clause missing test form")))
    (do ((tail bindings (cdr tail)))
        ((null? tail ) #f)
      (if (and (pair? (car tail))
               (< 0 (length (car tail)) 4)
               (symbol? (car (car tail))))
          (let* ((v (car (car tail)))
                 (i (cadr (car tail)))
                 (s (if (null? (cddr (car tail)))
                        (caddr (car tail))
            (set! bind (append bind (list v)))
            (set! init (append init (list i)))
            (set! step (append step
                               (if (eq? s #:null) (list)
                                   (list `(set! ,v , s))))))
          (error "binding clause not a list (var init [step])"
                 (car tail))))
    (let ((elapsedvar (gensym)) ; closure param gets scheduler time
          (errorvar (gensym))
          (deltavar (gensym)))
      `((lambda (,@bind)
          (lambda (,elapsedvar)
            (let* ((,deltavar 0)
                   (elapsed (lambda () ,elapsedvar))
                   (wait (lambda (x) (set! ,deltavar x))))
              ;; wrap user forms inside condition-case
               (cond (,(car terminate) ,@(cdr terminate)
                      -1)  ; closure return -1 = stop
               (,errorvar (exn)
                (printf "~%>>> Aborting process at time ~S:~%    Error: ~S"
                        ( (condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message)
                -2)))))   ; closure return -2 = error stop

; error of (car i) gets handled correctly in evaled code but not in my csc code:

(define xxx (go ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 2) ) (car i)  ))
(xxx 99)

>>> Aborting process at time 99:
    Error: "bad argument type"-2

; here is a real go im testing with

(go ((i 0 (+ i 1))
     (e 12)
     (k 60))
  ((= i e) #f) (declare (safety #t))
   (print (elapsed ))
   (mp:note 0 90 (+ k i) 80 0)
   (wait 100)))

; the correct macroexpasion in the csi:

((lambda (i e k)
   (lambda (g48)
(let* ((g49 0) (elapsed (lambda () g48)) (wait (lambda (x) (set! g49 x))))
          (lambda (g53)
              (lambda (g51)
                (g53 (lambda ()
(let ((g52 (and (##sys#structure? g51 'condition)
                                       (##sys#slot g51 1))))
                         (cond ((and g52 (memv 'exn g52))
                                (let ((g50 g51))
"~%>>> Aborting process at time ~S:~% Error: ~S"
((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) g50))
                               (else (##sys#signal g51)))))))
              (lambda ()
                  (lambda ()
                    (cond ((= i e) #f -1)
                           (print (elapsed))
                           (mp:note 0 90 (+ k i) 80 0)
                           (wait 100)
                           (set! i (+ i 1))
                  (lambda g54
(g53 (lambda () (##sys#apply ##sys#values g54)))))))))))))

; this is what happens when i csc compile the go macro an link to my c app.

 (go ((i 0 (+ i 1))
     (e 12)
     (k 60))
  ((= i e) #f) (declare (safety #t))
   (print (elapsed ))
   (mp:note 0 90 (+ k i) 80 0)
   (wait 100)))

Error: unbound variable: exn

        Call history:

        <eval>          [foo] (mp:note 0 90 (+ k i) 80 0)
        <eval>          [foo] (+ k i)
        ChickenBridge.scm: 214  insert-midi-note
        <eval>          [foo] (wait 100)
        <eval>          [foo] (+ i 1)
<eval> [foo] (g2 (exn) (printf ">>> Aborting process at time ~S:~% Error: ~S" g0 ((condition-property- accessor......
        <eval>          [foo] (exn)     <--

[app crashes]

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