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sx:make-draw-area (was Re: [Chicken-users] what are pointers (in scheme)

From: Stephan Lukits
Subject: sx:make-draw-area (was Re: [Chicken-users] what are pointers (in scheme))
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:15:02 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

felix winkelmann schrieb:
On Nov 29, 2007 6:01 AM, Stephan Lukits <address@hidden> wrote:

could anyone please direct my to the right documentation
for using eggs which implement c-libraries?

I have no idear how I should call function like

(sx:open-display INT (POINTER (POINTER CHAR)))

and how I get the data which will be bound to
the (two-dimensional I guess) "pointer"?


Some APIs are generated semi-automatically, for example using
easyffi. The C function behind sx:open-display expects an argc/argv
argument pair, which is not directly representable in Scheme, but
(and this is exclusively for this particular case) "(argc+argv)" will return
two values that can be passed to the mentioned function.

In case of the sx egg: you don't need to call sx:open-display, this is
done automatically.

Yes, thats what I red in the libsx docs, but modifying your
libsx example slightly through replacing the selection-list
by a draw-area leads to an error if the line which defines
the draw-area comes before the definition of the button.


(require-extension sx posix (srfi 1))

(define (button)

(define (redraw width height)
  (print "da-size: " width "x" height) )

(define b (sx:make-button "Update" button))
(define da (sx:make-draw-area 300 200 redraw))

(sx:set-widget-pos da sx:place-under b)


works fine, but

(require-extension sx posix (srfi 1))

(define (button)

(define (redraw width height)
  (print "da-size: " width "x" height) )

(define da (sx:make-draw-area 300 200 redraw))
(define b (sx:make-button "Update" button))

(sx:set-widget-pos da sx:place-under b)


leads to a "Speicherzugriffsfehler", thus I thought
I call "sx:open-display" first maybe it's working then
but using (sx:open-display 0 (argc+argv)) still
raises "Error: bad argument type - not a pointer: 1"


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