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Re: [Chicken-users] Feature request: expose quasiquote expander

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Feature request: expose quasiquote expander
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 17:24:32 +0100

On Jan 18, 2008 10:14 AM, John Cowan <address@hidden> wrote:
> Can you expose and document Chicken's quasiquote expansion function?
> I want to be able to use it for S-expressions other than native Scheme
> ones.

I recommend to write your own or take the chicken quasiquote stuff
and re-use it directly, it's not very much code. It's also very ugly:

 (let ((vector->list vector->list))
   (lambda (form)

     (define (walk x n) (simplify (walk1 x n)))

     (define (walk1 x n)
       (if (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)
           (cond ((##core#inline "C_vectorp" x)
                  `(##sys#list->vector ,(walk (vector->list x) n)) )
                 ((not (##core#inline "C_pairp" x)) `(quote ,x))
                  (let ((head (##sys#slot x 0))
                        (tail (##sys#slot x 1)) )
                    (case head
                       (if (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" tail) (##core#inline
"C_pairp" tail))
                           (let ((hx (##sys#slot tail 0)))
                             (if (eq? n 0)
                                 (list '##sys#list '(quote unquote)
                                       (walk hx (fx- n 1)) ) ) )
                           '(quote unquote) ) )
                       (if (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" tail) (##core#inline
"C_pairp" tail))
                           `(##sys#list (quote quasiquote)
                                   ,(walk (##sys#slot tail 0) (fx+ n 1)) )
                           (list '##sys#cons (list 'quote 'quasiquote) (walk 
tail n)) ) )
                       (if (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" head) (##core#inline
"C_pairp" head))
                           (let ((hx (##sys#slot head 0))
                                 (tx (##sys#slot head 1)) )
                             (if (and (eq? hx 'unquote-splicing)
                                      (##core#inline "C_blockp" tx)
                                      (##core#inline "C_pairp" tx) )
                                 (let ((htx (##sys#slot tx 0)))
                                   (if (eq? n 0)
                                       `(##sys#append ,htx
                                                 ,(walk tail n) )
                                       `(##sys#cons (##sys#list 
                                                        ,(walk htx (fx- n 1)) )
                                               ,(walk tail n) ) ) )
                                 `(##sys#cons ,(walk head n) ,(walk tail n)) ) )
                           `(##sys#cons ,(walk head n) ,(walk tail n)) ) ) ) ) 
) )
           `(quote ,x) ) )

     (define (simplify x)
       (cond ((##sys#match-expression x '(##sys#cons a '()) '(a))
              => (lambda (env) (simplify `(##sys#list ,(##sys#slot (assq 'a
env) 1)))) )
             ((##sys#match-expression x '(##sys#cons a (##sys#list . b)) '(a b))
              => (lambda (env)
                   (let ([bxs (assq 'b env)])
                     (if (fx< (length bxs) 32)
                         (simplify `(##sys#list ,(##sys#slot (assq 'a env) 1)
                                            ,@(##sys#slot bxs 1) ) )
                         x) ) ) )
             ((##sys#match-expression x '(##sys#append a '()) '(a))
              => (lambda (env) (##sys#slot (assq 'a env) 1)) )
             (else x) ) )

     (walk form 0) ) ) )

I told you it's ugly.

This code was written for slower chickens, so it's pretty gnarly. Most of
the ##sys#'s and ##core#'s and ##sys#slots can be replaced by the usual
operations (slot #0 is car, and slot #1 is cdr).


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