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[Chicken-users] shootout benchmark: mandelbrot

From: Tobia Conforto
Subject: [Chicken-users] shootout benchmark: mandelbrot
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:08:39 +0100


I took a shot at the shootout (ha!) starting with an easy one, Mandelbrot. It's basically pure loops of flonum operations. By using the unsafe number operations and by experimenting with a few loop layouts, I managed to reduce the Chicken score from 35 times gcc (previous submission) to "just" 7 times, at least on my computer. Before I submit, I'm asking for comments.

I didn't play with -heap-* or any garbage-collector related options, because I'm not sure how to use them. I did squeeze another 10% of performance out of the basic -O3 -d0 by using a full range of dangerous options :-) -O3 -d0 -block -unsafe -unsafe-libraries -disable-stack-overflow- checks -lambda-lift -inline -disable-interrupts

Most of the CPU time is spent in the tight (loop) in (mandelbrot). Any hint on making it even tighter? (short of writing it in C)


Attachment: mandelbrot.scm
Description: Binary data

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