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Re: [Chicken-users] svn head - buid problem on debian

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] svn head - buid problem on debian
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 13:30:46 +0100

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Jörg F. Wittenberger
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi all,
> my standard debian build method fails like this:
> /home/jfw/build/Scheme/chicken/debian/tmp/usr/bin/chicken-install
> -update-db
> generating database
>  cp -r /tmp/setup-15c.tmp/modules.db /var/lib/chicken/3/modules.db
> cp: cannot create regular file `/var/lib/chicken/3/modules.db':
> Permission denied
> Error: shell invocation failed with non-zero return status
> "cp -r /tmp/setup-15c.tmp/modules.db /var/lib/chicken/3/modules.db"
> 256
> I'd fix it, if I knew how this should be done.

This seems to be a bug in the makefile: "chicken-installl -update-db"
creates a symbol-database in the repository, but doesn't pick up
that you are using a different DESTDIR (which it should normally
do) - I assume you have DESTDIR set?

For the time being, just comment out the chicken-install invocation.

> But a) I can't find the "cp -r" command (about which I doubt the -r is
> required, but it won't hurt).  Worse is b: which Makefile variable is
> the prefix I should use and how do I pass it to chicken-install?

"cp -r" is copy recursively.

The symbol-database is not required. Don't worry about it.


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