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Re: [Chicken-users] Evaluating lists with scoped let's and applying scop

From: Tobia Conforto
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Evaluating lists with scoped let's and applying scoped macros to lists
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 12:40:12 +0100

Christoph Angerer wrote:
(define (interpret prog)
  (let [(myadd +) (mymul *)]
    (eval prog)))
(display (interpret '(myadd 4 (mymul 5 2))))

This cannot possibly work.

The symbol myadd is lexically scoped to the let block. The invocation of interpret is *outside* the let block. Period.

What you are looking for is an enhanced version of (eval) that can accept a user-defined environment. You will find it in unit environments:


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