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Re: [Chicken-users] ANN: lazy-seq, a port of Clojure's lazy sequence API

From: Peter Danenberg
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] ANN: lazy-seq, a port of Clojure's lazy sequence API
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 16:01:42 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21+52 (c26dbc7021f4) (2011-07-01)

This is great, Moritz; thanks!

I've missed the transparent laziness of seqs in Scheme, too; I never
use SRFI-41 because of the bizarre parallel-universe SRFI-1 that they
had to create.

In fact, SRFI-41 is a parallel Scheme due to the fundamental things
they had to re-implement: cons, lambda, let, null, match, &c.

Stream-cons, stream-lambda, &c. are so fucking verbose!

Quoth Moritz Heidkamp on Pungenday, the 7th of Confusion:
> Fellow Chickeneers,
> a few weeks ago I (more or less silently) released the lazy-seq egg
> which I hereby retroactively announce to the public. For a bit of
> discussion on why I made it and how it compares to SRFI 41 streams, read
> my blog article about it here:
> Hope it's useful to someone!
> Moritz
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