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[Chicken-users] New leveldb eggs

From: Caolan McMahon
Subject: [Chicken-users] New leveldb eggs
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:34:08 +0100

I published leveldb bindings a while ago. It turns out the
implementation had some issues with mangled keys in some
circumstances. I've now fixed these issues and created some additional
eggs to compliment leveldb. The new eggs are as follows:

level - provides the leveldb interface (put/get etc)

leveldb - an implementation of the 'level' api, using libleveldb to store data

sublevel - an implementation of the 'level' api which provides
namespaced access to another implementation

I'm hoping to write (or encourage someone else to write) a memory-only
implementation of the 'level' API, which would be useful for testing
or other circumstances where you want to use a module written to the
'level' interface without persisting data.

A small backwards compatibility note on the `level` API - the
`db-stream` procedure now returns a lazy-seq instead of requiring a
thunk which accepts a lazy-seq. It uses set-finalizer! to clean up the
iterator after you've finished with the lazy sequence.

If someone could add the new `level` and `sublevel` eggs to the egg
index that would be great!



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