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Re: [Chicken-users] Redefining macros and special forms

From: Peter Bex
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Redefining macros and special forms
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:35:24 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 09:31:44PM +0100, Michele La Monaca wrote:
> Hi,
> shadowing a macro doesn't seem to work properly in all the cases:
> (define-syntax my-begin (syntax-rules () ((_ x ...) (begin x ...))))
> (let ((my-begin -)) (my-begin 0 1)) ; => -1 (ok)
> (define my-begin -)
> (apply my-begin '(0 1))             ; => -1 (ok)
> (my-begin 0 1)                      ; =>  1 (oops)
> Thus `my-begin' acts as either a procedure or a macro depending on the 
> context.
> Redefining `begin' (or even `##core#begin') has the same
> unsatisfactory behavior:
> (let ((begin -)) (begin 0 1)) ; => -1
> (define begin -)
> (apply begin '(0 1))          ; => -1
> (begin 0 1)                   ; =>  1
> Is this the expected behavior?

Yes, this is according to spec.  Macros aren't first-class, so whenever
you use the same identifier in a non-application context it will look up
the identifier in the runtime environment.  In application context it
will check the syntactic (compile-time) environment first.

I agree this is surprising as Scheme is touted to be a Lisp-1, but this
is just one of those nasty dark corners of the spec.


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