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Re: [Chicken-users] Windows deployment - Numbers egg

From: Peter Bex
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Windows deployment - Numbers egg
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2015 16:38:54 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 10:23:26PM +0800, Robert Herman wrote:
> Yes, I read the manual. All of the examples seem to be a linux host with
> .so files. Windows uses .dll files.

Hi again Robert,

This is of course true, but the .so files that CHICKEN generates on mingw
are just misnamed .dll-files.  Try running "file" on it to inspect the
type; it'll let you know that they're DLL files.  I suppose because
CHICKEN loads those dynamically, the extension is irrelevant.

> When I try to deploy a static build of the exe, it makes an exe, and the
> size makes you think it has bundled any dependencies like numbers (from
> 77kb to 1.6mb), but on MinGW64-32 bit, it hasn't. If you try and run the
> exe on a different Windows box, or through a non-MinGW command line on the
> same Windows box, it complains it cannot find the numbers extension. My
> guess is that it has statically linked and bundled libchicken.dll in the
> exe, but not the numbers extension that is in a '(use numbers)' statement
> in the source file.

I don't know about static linking on Windows, but the deploy mode should
take care of this.

> On the other hand, if the packages (eggs) only work  if you have
> MinGW64-32 bit installed with a CHICKEN dev environment, it sort of defeats
> the purpose of being able to create stand alone exe files.

This is also true of course.  However, I tested again on the Windows Vista
box I tried earlier.   I even renamed the chicken directory so it couldn't
possibly be found by the binary I produced.  Worked like a charm.

> I apologize for the lengthy description, and I am grateful for the help! I
> hope I was clear (need sleep) :)

If you're really tired, perhaps tomorrow you can take a look at it with
a fresh mind.  Just follow the steps I did, and you'll see it'll produce
a directory which includes the binary and any dependencies, and you can
take it and move to another Windows machine, and it will "just work".

If it still doesn't work, can you provide is with _exactly_ the steps
you did, so we can try to reproduce it?


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