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Re: [Chicken-users] iup cells draw callback

From: Martin DeMello
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] iup cells draw callback
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 14:58:50 -0800

Finally had time to finish this off. It needed one more change (pointer->canvas was not being reexported from canvas-draw).

Let me know when you've pushed the new egg, and I'll add the chessboard example to the tutorial in the wiki.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Thomas Chust <address@hidden> wrote:
On 2015-10-15 04:04, Martin DeMello wrote:
> [...]
> it looks like the cb-draw callback has format "iiiiiiC", which doesn't
> match the sigil regex. I take it that means callbacks with a Canvas*
> argument are unsupported in chicken-iup?
> [...]

Hello Martin,

that is correct, however support is trivial to add: Add the #\C
character to the regular _expression_ for callback signatures, add a case
for #\C typed arguments in the dispatcher that treats them identically
to #\v typed arguments, use pointer->canvas from the canvas-draw egg in
your callback code to add the right type tags to the raw pointer.

I think that the #\C signature character has been introduced recently in
IUP. Anyway, I added the necessary marshalling code as outlined above to
the iup egg, it is available in the trunk version of the code.


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