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[cks-devl] outcry sweetheart

From: Betsey Rutherford
Subject: [cks-devl] outcry sweetheart
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 14:23:05 +0200

Healing from the pain of any type of abuse is usually a very individual journey and the process is unique to each person.
I hope things work out for you Bridget and that you do the right thing to protect yourself.
We can't even have a real conversation anymore without getting into an argument. Welcome to my Interactive! This helps to be able to work towards any personal healing that may be needed and on changing those behaviors.
And you may need to be prepared to be flexible on some issues. Or, it may include the need to not overly focus on aspects of what has happened in one's childhood that has caused emotional, mental and even physical scarring that a parent may be responsible for. What you can do is nudge him along and let him know that it's a very serious issue to you and it sounds like you have. It sounds like he needs his space and if you try to force something on him that he can't or won't do right now will likely only backfire for you.
If you get to thinking healthier and clearer you will have positive effects on your relationship and will be taking responsibility for your own life.
God has a way of providing help for us if we actively seek and reach out to others for help on the journey.
Without some clear boundaries and continued work on the issue of change, there is a high likelihood that a recurrent abusive episode can occur. But, unfortunately we all have to live the consequences of our choices whether pleasant or painful at times. But, you do need to make sure that you both continue to take the steps necessary to make your marriage a 'safe place' for you to remain.
I am just so sad and I am finding myself rather more depressed as time goes on.
I found their prices to be very good.
And, while it's true that God desires for us to honor our parents he does not state or demand that we need to endure further abuse at their hands in doing so.
There are many men and women in your situation who are trying to navigate the waters of online infidelity. Often I feel like I have no one to talk or I am embarrassed to talk.
He is a humble person, but I feel a wall now between us so thick I have no clue how to tear it down. Thank your for listening to me.
I believe God can heal my marriage and that I am not in any harm.
If your question is chosen it will be posted here with my response and may be appropriately edited to save space.
Do you have any suggestions as to how to find someone in our area or what to look for? He has this fantasy with other women.
Leaning on God in this situation can bring much comfort and strength, and God can aid and heal your marriage relationship. Some deeper digging is needed Anonymous, and I hope that you are able to commit to the process.
I feel though that I'm pulling away from my husband, as if I can have no true respect for him. I wish you two the best for the future and you're in my prayers.

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