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Re: [cp-patches] handle case with lots of unreferenced objects that has

From: Noa Resare
Subject: Re: [cp-patches] handle case with lots of unreferenced objects that has fd's open
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 00:05:01 +0100

fre 2004-11-05 klockan 17:25 +0100 skrev Noa Resare:
> Stay tuned for some experimental code in a few hours :)
> /noa

After some lots of reading and trying to understand how finalization
really works I found out that kaffe's System.runFinalization() really
works as one would expect, waiting for finalization to finish and the
reason for the mauve test failing was that there was another piece of
code (in java/io/ that also did try to open files. After
adding runFinalization() there too the mauve failure is gone in kaffe
and jamvm.

Please see the updated patch below.


nuclear cia fbi spy password code president bomb
F3C4 AC90 B885 FE15 344B  4D05 220B 7662 A190 6F09

Attachment: classpath-filechannel.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Detta är en digitalt signerad meddelandedel

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