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[cp-patches] Mnemonic fixes for JLabel

From: Noa Resare
Subject: [cp-patches] Mnemonic fixes for JLabel
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 17:35:36 +0100

Going over my list of mauve regressions I came to something that wasn't
really a regression, but with only two items on my list I decided to fix
the mauve errors instead of fix my diffing too.

The mauve tests in question has to do with Mnemonics in JLabel,
particularly making searching for the mnemonic character case

The attached patch fixes all mauve failures in
gnu/testlet/javax/swing/JLabel/ and also implements the
same behaviour as j2sdk-1.4.2_06 with regards to sending lower case char
constants as argument to setDisplayedMnemonic instead of feching the
constants from java.awt.event.KeyEvent.


nuclear cia fbi spy password code president bomb
F3C4 AC90 B885 FE15 344B  4D05 220B 7662 A190 6F09

Attachment: classpath-jlabel.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Detta är en digitalt signerad meddelandedel

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