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Re: [cp-patches] Re: java.util.Currency

From: Bryce McKinlay
Subject: Re: [cp-patches] Re: java.util.Currency
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 10:24:02 -0500

On Nov 17, 2004, at 2:19 AM, Michael Koch wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 17. November 2004 02:50 schrieb Bryce McKinlay:
Hi Andrew,

A while back I was hacking on java.util.Currency and decided to
change our strategy a little. Rather than get the currency data
from the Locales, I've put a separate table containing the data for
each currency into the Currency class itself. This seems to be the
logical thing to do since there isn't a 1:1 correspondence between
a locale and a currency anyway. This should improve getInstance()
performance a lot since we no longer need to go fishing through all
locales to find a given currency code, as well as improving
correctness and completeness for things like

I haven't yet tested this extensively, and haven't run your new
mauve tests against it, but perhaps you'd like to take a look at
this code and let me know what you think based on your knowledge of
the Currency class.

The relationship between locales and currencies are pretty well
maintained by LDML. I don't think we should try to maintain this
ourself. E.g. the Euro was introduced 3 years ago and we still don't
support it in GNU classpath. With autogenerated data for this from
LDML we would give the maintenance burden away to others that do it
anyway. We have gnu.currencyen in cp-tools. I haven't tried it yet
but guilhem told me it's for this task.

Yes, if the LDML covers what we need then it should definitely be auto-generated, but the currency data should be stored separately from the Locale data (except that each locale will continue to contain the currencySymbol fields, of course, to link Locales->Currencies). This way the currencies can be indexed by currency code rather than having to iterate through all Locales to look up a given code - much more efficient.

It may certainly be a little cleaner to generate a Currency resource file, though, rather than putting the table directly in

It would be really nice to get all the Locale data sorted out (up to date, auto-generated), by the 1.0 timeframe.


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