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[cp-patches] Re: [RFA/JDWP] CommandSet interface and PacketProcessor

From: Bryce McKinlay
Subject: [cp-patches] Re: [RFA/JDWP] CommandSet interface and PacketProcessor
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 16:07:49 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Aaron Luchko wrote:

Hello, I've been working with Keith Seitz to help with jdwp. This patch
adds the functionality for PacketProcessor to act on a given packet from
the debugger via CommandSet objects along with the CommandSet interface.
+        try
+          {
+            try
+              {
+ if (set != null) + {
+                    _shutdown = set.runCommand(distr, ostr, command);
+                    reply.setData(bytes.toByteArray());
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    // This command set wasn't in our tree
+                    reply.setErrorCode(JdwpConstants.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+                  }
+              }
+            catch (JdwpException ex)
+              {
+                reply.setErrorCode(ex.getErrorCode ());
+              }
+              _connection.sendPacket (reply);
+          }
+        catch (IOException ioe)
+          {
+            // Not much we can do...
+          }

Hi Aaron,

I know you didn't introduce this, but it is bad practice to catch and silently ignore exceptions like this. This can result in hard-to-find bugs because in the event of an error, this code will keep cycling through the packet loop silently instead of failing in some obvious way at the point where the error occurred.

Either _processOnePacket() needs to be declared as "throws IOException", and the exception handled some at the top level, or you could rethrow the IOException as some other exception type.

In addition, I have a few potential performance concerns about this code:

1. You are creating a new set of "temporary" streams for every packet that is sent. It would be much better to reuse the same streams for all packets, if they are necessary, but I suspect you can get away with eliminating most of them by refactoring the design a little.

2. Since you need to look up a CommandSet object for each packet that is sent, and the command sets appear to be singletons, it might make more sense to reference the CommandSet objects directly from JdwpCommandPacket rather than constructing a Byte and doing a hashtable look-up each time. You could also, perhaps, avoid the hashtable by maintaining an array, indexed by the JDWP command byte, mapping to the appropriate CommandSet object.

3. As a general design comment, there are potential performance issues with using exceptions to represent the JDWP error codes, if these errors are likely to occur during "normal" use of the JDWP engine. Exceptions should be avoided as part of normal program flow control because they are slow. Even Sun advises this, but exceptions under GCJ are, unfortunately, particularly slow. If these are likely to occur frequently while debugging, then encapsulating them in some result-code object, instead of exceptions, should be considered.

We don't need to go overboard on hunting performance nits, however there are a few simple fixes to be made here that will greately reduce the overhead of debugging on a running application.



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