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Re: Locale initialization error

From: Patrik Reali
Subject: Re: Locale initialization error
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 19:12:35 +0100

From: "Eric Blake" <address@hidden>
> Patrik Reali wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I've run into a initialization problem when class java/util/Locale is
> > initialized.
> >
> For these constructors, I tried adding a trusted constructor which does
> no capitalization.  I'm still running into a problem here:

Your solution with the trusted constructor works properly.
On my side, I tried a different approach:

  public Locale(String language, String country, String variant)
    if (defaulLocale == null) {
      this.language = language; = country;
      this.variant = variant;
    } else {
      this.language = convertLanguage(language); = country.toUpperCase();
      this.variant = variant.toUpperCase();
    this.hashcode = (this.language.hashCode() ^
                     ^ this.variant.hashCode());

This works too. It's up to  you to choose the solution you prefer.

> According to the Javadoc of java.lang.System, there is no guarantee that
> the properties user.language, user.region, or user.variant exist.  Does
> Sun document anywhere that these must exist, or who must supply them?
> Or is it just a VM integration requirement of Classpath?  If the latter,
> then is it documented in the Classpath/VM integration guide?
> doesn't list those properties.

Locale should maybe install some defaults, if no properties are available:
private static Locale defaultLocale =
    new Locale(System.getProperty("user.language", "en"),
       System.getProperty("user.region", ""),
       System.getProperty("user.variant", ""));

The language is important, because it is used for the convertions.

> I just committed my hack shown above - did it do the trick for you?

It works, thanks.

> (How I wish that I could compile a working VM on cygwin, to answer that
> question for myself).
I first had the opposite problem: testing the VM without API. And as I'm
testing my JVM, I never now if the error is on my side or not. I would offer
you my
Jaos, but it runs only on the Aos system: nice but different!


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