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Re: Prepare.cpp problem?

From: Stephen Crawley
Subject: Re: Prepare.cpp problem?
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 23:48:20 +1000

> I'm trying to get mauve implemented, and have an unexpected problem.  
> The problem seems to be in processing the KEYS option to make. I'm using 
> gcj 3.2, orp 1.0.10, classpath 0.04 (with its included mauve-classpath 
> copied to the top mauve directory) and the 9/9/02 snapshot of mauve.
> echo "" | orp gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness
> returns "0 of 49 tests failed."

That is promising.

> But "make KEYS=classpath check" produces this result:
> << after a lot of script echoing that looks reasonable >>
> cat classes | \
> CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`/bin/pwd` orp gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness
> orp: Prepare.cpp:924: Intfc_Table *create_populate_class_interface_table 
> (Class *): Assertion `method' failed.
> /usr/local/bin/orp: line 2:  9614 Aborted                 
> ~/java/gnujava/orp/orp-1.0.10/mains/orp/Linux/dbg/orp -swapjit 0 1 -classpath 

I suspect that one of the Mauve test cases has caused ORP to crash.  

Try running the tests as follows:
  make KEYS=classpath TESTFLAGS="-verbose -debug" check

This lists the name of each testcase as it is started and the subtests that
succeed.  That should give you an idea where to start looking.

-- Steve

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