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Re: PATCH: Certificates support

From: Brian Jones
Subject: Re: PATCH: Certificates support
Date: 23 Apr 2003 16:41:26 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Casey Marshall <address@hidden> writes:

> Brian Jones wrote:
> | Casey Marshall <address@hidden> writes:
> |
> |>One additional question: parts of the patch (Base64 decoding and object
> |>identifier DER en/decoding) use bits from other software packages --
> |>ISC's DHCP and Cryptix's ASN.1 kit, respectively. Both are free software
> |>and the patches use 20-30 lines from each, tops. Is this ok to include?
> |
> | ISC DHCP License appears to be okay, you will have to appropriately
> | mark "their" code and we have to put their "notice", etc. somewhere in
> | the documentation on the 3rd party software we use.  I don't know
> | which part came from here, but if it is available in one of our sister
> | projects such as GNU Crypto or Classpathx that is always better.
> |
> The license of DHCP
> ( is the modified
> BSD licence, listed as compatible with the GPL.

Yeah, ok.

> | Cryptix looks proprietary.  You might want to find out if GNU Crypto
> | is going to look at ASN.1 at all.
> |
> Crypix is licenced under the Cryptix General License
> ( which is listed as
> compatible with the GPL. Besides, Raif Naffah wrote it.
> Again, it is not a big deal since the pieces used are so small. If there
> is a problem I will replace them.

And this license is okay too then.  I didn't investigate this one
closely before... just judged by the "Other/Proprietary" note on SF.

Boy do we need a file to list out all these things.  Want to take a
stab at it?

Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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