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Re: Patch: merge File.toURI() from Classpath

From: Bryce McKinlay
Subject: Re: Patch: merge File.toURI() from Classpath
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 12:47:23 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (X11/20040626)

David Daney wrote:

I wonder if we should standardize on using RuntimeException in these cases. A quick grep through the source code shows that we use both InternalError and RuntimeException for these "shouldn't/can't happen" catch blocks in various cases. I think RuntimeException would be a better choice, since it has a proper "cause" constructor for re-throwing exceptions.

I don't like this idea.

RuntimeException is meant to be the base class for Exceptions that can
reasonable be expected to be thrown from error free library code when
called by buggy application code.

InternalError as its name suggests is meant to be thrown in situations
that could only be caused by a bug internal to the runtime.

If don't like the idiom new InternalError().initCause(), then add a
constructor to InternalError (and perhaps Error also) so that you can
pass the cause as a constructor parameter.

We can't add constructors to InternalError, as that would violate the spec.

InternalError extends VirtualMachineError, and is documented in the spec that it is "Thrown to indicate some unexpected internal error has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.". Its questionable whether generic library code such as this can be considered part of the virtual machine.

In any case, the lack of a "cause" constructor for InternalError pretty much rules it out for using in these situations - it clearly wasn't intended for chaining/rethrowing internal exception.

RuntimeException subclasses are certainly exceptions that are expected to be thrown due to bugs in application code incorrectly calling the library, but there are also many cases where they could be thrown due to bugs in the runtime code. NullPointerException, for example, is a RuntimeException subclass. I'm sure I've seen that thrown once or twice due to bugs in Classpath ;-)



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