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[Cogitatio-concepts] close

From: Bella Reeves
Subject: [Cogitatio-concepts] close
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 20:00:56 +0900

Bloody fool- its the way thesemodern young creatures talk.
Merridew saw before him the massed ranks of his Conference.
And if the people of Rich lynch me in the street I shall think itnatural, the Mayor answered. But only in a way conformableto the Stone.
And did you also think it was the kind of house You would expect ofhim? Chloe was standing bythe fireplace, looking round the room.
Mayor,that this very interesting Stone has other qualities, so I am told,besides the curative.
If, on theother hand, they protect the healthy they doom the sick.
Yes, but not here, not-with other peopleabout-to me. Bloody fool- its the way thesemodern young creatures talk.
She must, Chloe thought when she became conscious of this, beterribly excited. His voice on the last word became suddenly authoritative. Arent there any others to watch for the people than you?
And if the people of Rich lynch me in the street I shall think itnatural, the Mayor answered. Garterr Browne said, startled at thisnew threat of tempest. Garterr Browne answered, and then, as thesecretary went out, turned to his visitors. Then, the Hajji concluded, something or someone is making her so. O she didnt say much, justcooed at him now and then.
And a Hottentot missionary college, and a seminary for barmaids, SirGiles added.
I thought he was never going, Chloe said.
And hewondered which the Professor and his friends wanted.
Then, the Hajji concluded, something or someone is making her so.
His voice took on a sternness and he lookedon her with a high disdain. Thoughts hadpassed through her mind in their usual way, but not-surely nofl-usualthoughts. Well, he said, I mustbreak off the discussion. We have, of course-But I have seen these things happen, the Mayor said. They arecurious and greedy-and even malicious.

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